Channel: Kundalini & Energy Work – Personal Power Meditation

Bizarre Sahaja Yoga Class

I attended a bizarre yoga class last night, and I won’t reveal its name or location as this kind of feedback and review won’t help anybody. It was a group teaching Sahaja Yoga, which...

Energized Mudra for Concentration Meditation

I have been playing around with the following tech recently with great success and I am hoping it will help you reach the next level in samatha practice. It involves introducing an energy current...

Mailbag: Fear of a Christian Afterlife (a.k.a. Going to Hell)

V wrote: One of the major obstructions of my development (or simply my well-being) is a feeling that there is a significant chance of Christian afterlife and therefore punishment. I’m not a believer for...

Concentration Meditation: Find the Object, Be With the Object

After the last post many questions arose in the comments section. I gave a customized answer to each individual, attempting to meet them where they were at in their experience to lead them forward. This...

Mailbag: Sensations in the Hands, and Tremors while Meditating

Pat wrote: Hey, I did much longer meditation sessions both today and yesterday. Both times I was able to get 1) this effect where it felt like my hands dissolved and went numb and...

I Am / Breath Hybrid Meditation

This is not an “official” Self-Inquiry / I-feeling / Awareness Watching Awareness meditation. Nor is it my final word on those things. In fact this is a hybrid meditation I have created, aimed at...

Book Review: “Meditation Without Bullshit” by Aaron S. Elias

Meditation Without Bullshit: A Guide for Rational Men is the new book by Aaron Sleazy, who is currently writing under the new pseudonym Aaron S. Elias. As a full disclosure, Sleazy is a personal...

This Isn’t Exactly Rocket Science… (7 Rules for Life)

7 Rules For Life 1. Do not use substances, including alcohol and tobacco. However, moderate use of stimulants (e.g. 2–3 cups of coffee a day) is permissible, with a view to giving up entirely....

Best Meditation for Sleep

Did I ever tell you the story about how I first started meditating? Yes? Well here it is again, and don’t answer back next time. In around 2006 I watched a David DeAngelo DVD...

What is Concentration?

This is part of my Start Here series of posts aimed at teaching beginners the basics of the human hardware.In meditation terms, concentration is an action of mind applied to an object. But those...

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