WetWaterDrop wrote:
Hey man, how you been?
I’m prepping for my first LSD trip and was open to any advice you may have to throw my way. I’m probably going to combine B. caapi with it.
We talked once and discussed my migraines and how you thought about LSD and seeing the universe as a hologram for healing oneself or something. I rarely get migraines anymore (stretching my spine out pretty much fixed them) but was curious about how I should go into the experience to get the most out of it.
Hit me back when you got the time, cheers!
What is it you want? Experience is very customizable via LSD in terms of setting yourself on certain paths.
And make sure you get plenty of valium (or preferably a stronger benzo) to end the trip. Ideally you want an antipsychotic like quetiapine. LSD can go on and on and on and on. 12 hours is typical for my trips.
WetWaterDrop wrote:
I’ve had 48 hour plus trips with other stuff so I’m not too worried about the length.
I want to figure out this human machine our consciousness is stored and how my consciousness can act separate from it.
My leg still hurts from a car wreck, I want my body to regenerate that tissue.
I want to understand what chakras are and what siddhas are, what the third eye is and how it comes together, and to have agency over these things.
I guess im shooting for wisdom but I want the details and the mechanics, not just “Love and live its all a journey”
Oh right. Well the universe is just awareness, and the “sensation” is the lowest unit of that awareness, though awareness also spontaneously becomes waves (which is what you think of as an “experience”, since it flows seamlessly from one moment to the next. Wave/particle duality is very easily observable as being part of the awareness function, especially in these altered states.
During your trip you will want to try to detect individual sensations (particles) and see them flowing in the nerves. I can now have an entire synaesthetic map of my body showing awareness flowing through any tissue. I have seen the entire nervous system lit up before, including brain areas, similar to this:
(I can do this without LSD, now, and if I open my eyes after doing this then the whole world has that flashing hologram-look that LSD brings – so tripping is something we can do without drugs; it’s a part of the awareness function itself.)
When you are aware of the sensations and how they themselves generate the impression of a human body, you will want to flood the damaged tissue with that awareness. This will likely hurt – a lot.
You can imagine the tissue healing etc. if you want but my view is that the awareness itself is the key to changing the hologram. I would make a formal resolution: “I intend that any tissue my awareness passes through will be reborn” etc. etc. Formal statements of intention are very powerful and your experience as a human itself will have been started with such a formal intention aeons ago.
As a separate game, if you can get good impressions of the sensations themselves, try and zoom right in on them. You may see them at this point as stars in a star field. Keep zooming till you just have one, centre-field. Keep zooming and it will explode and you will get a fruition.
I can do all these things without drugs. This stuff is infinitely fascinating and all the things you see, all the cycles you go through, are just little versions of life’s story. The fruition moment of extinction is the end of the Universe; when reality rebirths a moment later that is the Big Bang. These are also fractal versions of human life and death. One thing that going through these experiences hundreds of times has taught me is that there is no such thing as death in terms of end of consciousness – awareness will just pass through into the next experience seamlessly.
Understanding tends to come mostly post-trip. Rather than trying to understand stuff directly while on LSD I think the time is better spent doing magick. So, heal your body. Also, plan out the next phase of your life – all the adventures you want to experience, etc. Set serious formal intentions during the trip (plan some out beforehand; but also let the drug give you ideas).
What do you mean by “Siddha”?
WetWaterDrop wrote:
Thanks for taking the time out for such a thoughtful reply.
Siddha – for instance you had the “gambling” siddha. For me it means destroying limitations, gaining perception.
Being able to astral project at will would be a siddha, being able to heal myself, siddha, being able to move my awareness outside of my body into lets say a tree.
“You may see them at this point as stars in a star field. Keep zooming till you just have one, centre-field. Keep zooming and it will explode and you will get a fruition.”
I did that once in deep meditation, my body became a universe filled with starts, shortly after I lost consciousness and woke up I dont know how long later with my whole body buzzing.
I thought you meant that, but siddha also means something so I needed to check.
The siddhis can be understood more easily under the context that everything is just awareness. So, take “physical reality” out of the equation entirely and consider everything you experience to just be made of thought.
The more dissociated a state you get into, the easier certain siddhis become. LSD is quite good for that. You could try gambling while on LSD. Just visualize what you want the reels (or cards or whatever) to be before you play the game. Picture the reels till the visualization becomes so real it almost has a life of its own, like you could reach out and touch them. Then spin the reels in real life and they’ll become the visualization. I remember at one point having +£6000 on the meter having started with only £100. By morning (and a whole bottle of vodka later) I was on -£3000. I seemed unable to accept the repercussions of a malleable reality and apparently had to sabotage it. It was however one of the most intensely fun and jaw-dropping times in my life.
WetWaterDrop wrote:
Siddhi, got it.
I went to a shaman lecture in new york and picked up one of his books, in it describes things such as:
“The ability to shape shift comes from ones understanding that all creation is equal, and nothing is better or worse than anything else” – that would be a siddhi born of insight I’d assume.
Another one I found interesting:
“The third chakra is the power center in the luminous energy system, its power can be used constructively, to manifest our aspirations in the world. When used destructively, it can repress our primary nature or libido, which manifests as neurotic symptoms including shame and guilt”
Shamans believe cleaning the chakra/using them is the basis for our experiences here.
“apparently had to sabotage”
I wrote that down as something to delve into, rising above self sabotaging behavior.
“”The third chakra is the power center in the luminous energy system, its power can be used constructively, to manifest our aspirations in the world. When used destructively, it can repress our primary nature or libido, which manifests as neurotic symptoms including shame and guilt””
I am only recently getting into the chakras as a result of kundalini awakening. During attempts at both insight and concentration meditation I will be drawn to various chakra locations and often have to work through them before being able to get, for example, a jhana.
I can see how playing with the chakras might improve intention-manifestation. The relevant chakras will also tend to activate while doing intention work.
My feeling about chakra work while on LSD is that they will not function reliably as LSD so powerfully messes with and activates the chakras. For example, the solar plexus chakra you just mentioned will tend to turn on compulsively while on LSD giving a very intense “drenching” feeling. You will simply have to experiment though!
“”apparently had to sabotage”
I wrote that down as something to delve into, rising above self sabotaging behavior.”
I do not think it is particularly “self-sabotage” in terms of “self” sabotaging the progress of “self” (though there might be some of that). Rather, this kind of sabotage is more about the implications such malleability of reality would have for THIS experience. An extra £6000 of cash would powerfully change the course of my life. I could go on all kinds of crazy adventures with that money. But a more important lesson is that, if I managed to retain that money, there would be nothing stopping me simply WILLING £6000 into existence every week (or even more regularly) using magick. THIS is the real crux of the whole “sabotage” compulsion, I believe. Such blatant manipulations of reality would bring about a premature end to the “limitation simulator”. Evidently I want to slosh around in the detritus of human experience for a little while longer.
You’ll probably get all kinds of realizations like that while on LSD. I am grateful that I had so much meditation experience before taking LSD – it was more like a weekend on retreat than some major head-fuck people usually report it as.
I’m not posting very much recently because I’m writing my new jhana guide. The reason it is taking so long is that I spent the last two months learning traditional anapanasati (meditation with the sensations of breath at the tip of the nose as the object) in order to see the differences and commonalities between that and my usual kundalini jhanas (using the energy stream itself as the object). The result will likely be a hybrid method utilizing both breath-objects and powerful energy stream manipulation via hand poses in order to create, hopefully, the fastest teachable jhana.