Mailbag: Muscle Release, LSD, Jhana, Kundalini & MCTB Criticism
PJ wrote: Hi, I like your blog. I combined meditation with high doses of LSD and I think I almost got stream entry – I saw the hypersphere depicted here:...
View ArticleThe Future Direction of this Blog
This website was started primarily as a creative outlet for my writing. As such, it has never had any particular goal or direction. Especially in the early days, the techs I shared were, more often...
View ArticleLSD and the Siddhis
WetWaterDrop wrote: Hey man, how you been? I’m prepping for my first LSD trip and was open to any advice you may have to throw my way. I’m probably going to combine B. caapi with it. We talked once and...
View ArticleLSD: Aftermath
(Continued from LSD and the Siddhis.) WetWaterDrop (a.k.a. James here on the blog) emailed me an update following his LSD trip. This is now the second time someone has ignored my advice to keep a stock...
View ArticleMailbag: What is the correct order of Circuits VI and VII in the...
Today’s question won’t make much sense unless you are acquainted with the Eight-Circuit Model of Consciousness. Here are two summaries, both of which are worth a read: Wikipedia The following...
View ArticleMagickal Gambling
A long story short, about a year ago I had a real gambling problem. I was doing a lot of LSD at the time, and would stay up for 18 hours straight, enjoying non-stop gambling, drug abuse and wanking....
View ArticleMailbag: Dark Stuff Behind the Eyelids as Object
Charles wrote: Hey man, First of all I hope you’re doing well, and thanks a lot for sharing so much valuable info! I have a couple of questions: Do you still use the dark stuff behind the eyelids as a...
View ArticleMailbag: Formations and Their Annihilation
Adrian wrote: Hello, I recently bumped into your blog. Its really amazing and I want to thank you for your walk and sharing from experience so much. I still have a lot to read here but I want to ask...
View ArticleMailbag: Musings on Concentration, Kundalini, Magick, Socializing, Public...
This is a reply to Mayath’s comment which has now become so long as to justify a new post. Mayath wrote: You’ve been very helpful so far :). Your Kundalini method has been so useful to me. I’ve...
View ArticleThe Mental Breath, Nursing the Breath, and Smile Jhana
In the last major post on concentration meditation, I had you fix your attention on a single point, the bridge of the nose, to the exclusion of all else, for sits of at least 30 minutes. This is not...
View ArticleMailbag: Posture and Energy Poses for a Straight Spine
Masoom wrote: How important is posture in meditation? I try to keep my back straight during meditation, but it sometimes hurts to do so. I inevitably go back to slouching a little. So every time that...
View ArticleSadhguru’s Kriya Meditation
Sadhguru is an Indian mystic and yogi whose videos I have been watching on YouTube for about a year now. He created the Isha Foundation which teaches meditation in centres in both India and the United...
View ArticleTypes of Meditation
This is part of my Start Here series of posts aimed at teaching beginners the basics of the human hardware.This post aims to address the majority of questions I receive from newcomers to the site, and...
View ArticleBizarre Sahaja Yoga Class
I attended a bizarre yoga class last night, and I won’t reveal its name or location as this kind of feedback and review won’t help anybody. It was a group teaching Sahaja Yoga, which...
View ArticleEnergized Mudra for Concentration Meditation
I have been playing around with the following tech recently with great success and I am hoping it will help you reach the next level in samatha practice. It involves introducing an energy current...
View ArticleMailbag: Fear of a Christian Afterlife (a.k.a. Going to Hell)
V wrote: One of the major obstructions of my development (or simply my well-being) is a feeling that there is a significant chance of Christian afterlife and therefore punishment. I’m not a believer...
View ArticleConcentration Meditation: Find the Object, Be With the Object
After the last post many questions arose in the comments section. I gave a customized answer to each individual, attempting to meet them where they were at in their experience to lead them forward....
View ArticleMailbag: Sensations in the Hands, and Tremors while Meditating
Pat wrote: Hey, I did much longer meditation sessions both today and yesterday. Both times I was able to get 1) this effect where it felt like my hands dissolved and went numb and...
View ArticleI Am / Breath Hybrid Meditation
This is not an “official” Self-Inquiry / I-feeling / Awareness Watching Awareness meditation. Nor is it my final word on those things. In fact this is a hybrid meditation I have created, aimed at...
View ArticleBook Review: “Meditation Without Bullshit” by Aaron S. Elias
Meditation Without Bullshit: A Guide for Rational Men is the new book by Aaron Sleazy, who is currently writing under the new pseudonym Aaron S. Elias. As a full disclosure, Sleazy is a personal...
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